Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stargate 6 and Stargate and MIA??


It deeply saddens me, but doesn't exactly surprise me, but the two most comprehensive Stargate Uniform sites have disappeared off the net. I'm keeping the links active on this blog, in the hope that they might return someday.

If anyone knows the reason why they went away, please post and let me know.

This does, however, provide me with the kick in the BDUs to actually get my own gear in order and start posting my version of the uniform guides they had on their sites as a reference to those who would like to put on the uniform and imagine going off world...espescially now that Stargate Worlds game is coming out.

I'll try sending an email to Eggroll and see what he knows...because he pretty much knows everything. I hope it isn't bad news for or about LT.

Until Stargate6 comes back, I guess I've got your six.

But, you don't have to hold your breath, Chevron 26 is still very active, and perhaps because it is in Germany it will stay active longer.