Over a series of posts I will be putting up images which represent various unforms worn in the series.

The unforms here are of base personel before the Stargate Program is activated. They are wearing traditional woodland BDUs.

The sergeant here is wearing the woodland BDUs and
black beret.

This is an excellent shot of General Hammond in blue uniform with ribbon bars.

Carter and O'Neill wearing the desert camo uniforms from the pilot.
Notice that the jackets vary slightly from those used in the rest of the series. After the pilot they will wear the WEP G8 Flight Jacket almost exclusively, but here they are wearing the Alpha MA-1 Flight Jacket. This jacket has a slightly different collar, an orange quilted lining and the pockets are of a different design. These jackets are available from
Fatigues Army Navy in a variety of colors, including the 3-color desert camo. Sage, black, and navy are all also available. Although not canon to the show, I might consider picking up a navy blue one to have a jacket for wear with the blue BDU pants while "on base."
At this point there is no official Stargate Program, so there are no patches. Both are carrying MP5s with a single over the shoulder sling. The desert vests were custom made for the show and feature a wider mesh and variant pockets from normal desert tactical vests that are commercially available.

This is a nice shot of the vest mesh, the camo cap, and weapon:
M4 Series with M203 Style / BoyI 3181AB.

Here we see the variant collar in closer view, along with Jack's taupe cap.

Jack and Daniel in the second half of the pilot (Children of the Gods). Here is the first time we see the patches with official SG team designations. Notice that in the pilot episode the team patch has a black number. Also, notice that Jack's OD WEP jacket has a pocket on both sleeves, rather than only one on the left sleeve. In this epsisode all are wearing the
shiny version of the WEP. In future episodes it will be changed to mountain cloth. It is a good shot to see some of the equipment carried. Jack has the
MP5, a
Beretta 92 in holster, bayonet, and canteen. Both wear the standard issue
Blackhawk Omega Medical Tactical Vest
Here we see Kawalsky, whose SG-2 patch also has a black number.

This is a good shot of Jackson's vest, you can see the hole punched in the pocket flap for the antenna of the Motorola Visar radio very clearly in this shot.

This shot is taken from the second episode of the series, Emancipation. Here we see the mountain cloth version of the jackets, O'Neill's taupe cap, Bugaboo glacier sunglasses, fingerless gloves and MP5 with sling and additional mag clip. Both he and Carter sport backpacks attached to the alice clips of their tac vests.

An excellent shot of both Carter's side arm with holster and her extra tri-pouch for her MP5 clips. You can get these from
www.thevestguy.com, though they are built for the P90. The Beretta holster you can get from
Jungle Toy. The link takes you to a search for the lefty version, but I'm sure they make righty ones too.

Here we see the team and clearly O'Neill is still wearing the team patch from the pilot with the black number where the rest of the team is wearing the team patch with silver numbers.
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